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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2023-07-14 09:37:39 |  访问:468

瓦谢尔计算生物研究院(AWI)(https://med.cuhk.edu.cn/en/page/105)与科比尔卡创新药物开发研究院(KIIDD)是香港中文大学(深圳)于2017年组建的首批诺贝尔奖科学家实验室。研究院由2013年诺贝尔化学奖得主阿里耶·瓦谢尔教授(Prof. Arieh WARSHEL)领衔牵头,将成为大学建设成为全球一流的研究型大学的重要里程碑。瓦谢尔计算生物研究院以成为世界级的理论生物计算中心为目标,致力于跨学科研究及成果转化,重点开展以计算结构生物学为主的基础研究及植根于数据科学的高通量生物学与生物信息学研究,并培育兼具理论与应用的生物信息及系统生物学人才。

课题组导师王勇斐博士毕业于香港大学医学院儿童及青少年医学系,之后继续留在香港大学从事博士后研究。王勇斐博士参与了多项国内外合作项目,挖掘出了超过130个与系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)相关的基因座。结合功能基因组数据,进一步揭示了系统性红斑狼疮群体特异、细胞特异的遗传调控机制。截止于2022年,王博士在相关领域学术期刊上发表了33篇论文,其中包括Nature Genetics, Nature Communications, Annals of the Rheumatic DiseasesArthritis & Rheumatology?等。王博士于2022年作为助理教授加入香港中文大学(深圳)医学院。课题组未来的研究方向聚焦于如何将生物大数据转化为潜在的临床运用,辅助新药开发和疾病的早期诊断。


2.具有至少一种学科研究背景:a. 生物信息学;b. 遗传学;c. 计算机科学; d. 生命科学.



Laboratory introduction
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK-Shenzhen) was founded in accordance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools upon approval by the Ministry of Education. It shares the same brand as its Hong Kong campus.
Arieh Warshel Institute of Computational Biology (AWI) (https://med.cuhk.edu.cn/en/page/105) and Kobilka Institute of Innovative Drug Discovery (KIIDD) were established on April 10, 2017 and are the first batch of Nobel laureate labs at the University. Led by Nobel laureate in Chemistry in 2013 Arieh Warshel, Arieh Warshel Institute of Computational Biology is a significant milestone in the University’s attempt to evolve into a world research university. Aiming to become a world-class theoretical computational biology center, the Warshel Institute for Computational biology focuses on both basic and practical interdisciplinary research, and cultivates bioinformatics and systems biology talents with comprehensive training.

Research group introduction
Dr. WANG received the Ph.D. in the University of Hong Kong. He focuses on the study of large-scale Omics data, especially in the field of autoimmune diseases. He has participated in many international and nation-wide collaborations and these works identified more than 130 genetic loci associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) during postdoctoral training. Together with functional genomic data from public domains, his works revealed cell type-specific regulation for the disease-associated genes. These findings significantly improved the understanding of disease pathogenesis. So far, he has published 33 papers at peer-reviewed journals, including Nature Genetics, Nature Communications, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases and Arthritis & Rheumatology et al. Dr. Wang joined the School of Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) as assistant professor in 2022. Dr. Wang’s future works would focus on how to translate real-world big data into clinical applications, with the aims of facilitating drug discovery and improving accuracy of genetic screening for both mendelian and complex diseases.

1. Biomedical Big data analysis
2. Research on the Genetic Mechanism of Autoimmune Diseases

Applicants should have:
1. PhD degree in a relevant field;
2. Experience in a related field: Applicants should have prior experience in one or more of the following fields: bioinformatics, genetics, computer science, or biological science;
3. Familiarity with Linux system and programming languages;
4. Interest in academic research.

Job Duties include:
1. Conducting relevant research projects;
2. Assisting in supervising graduate and undergraduate research works;
3. Assisting in management of research group.

Application Procedure:
Please prepare for CV in English, and two referees’ contact information, and send to yfwang@cuhk.edu.cn. Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

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